How to Keep Kids Musically Engaged During Summer Holidays

Summer holidays are a time of freedom, rest, adventure, and fun for kids. But during the excitement of vacation, it's essential to keep their musical minds stimulated and skills sharp. For children with a love for music, the summer break offers an excellent opportunity to dive deeper into their musical interests. Here’s how you can keep your kids musically engaged during the summer holidays.

1. Music Camps and Workshops

One of the best ways to immerse children in music is by enrolling them in music camps or workshops. These programs often offer a variety of activities, from learning new instruments to participating in group performances. Music camps not only provide intensive musical training but also allow kids to make new friends who share their interests.

2. Online Music Lessons

If attending a camp isn't feasible, online music lessons are a fantastic alternative. Many platforms offer virtual classes in various instruments and musical styles. The flexibility of online lessons means kids can learn at their own pace and schedule. Look for interactive classes that keep children engaged through fun and challenging exercises and musical games.

3. Family Jam Sessions

Make music a family affair by organizing regular jam sessions at home. Whether you have musical talent or not, the goal is to have fun and bond through music. Let your kids take the lead, choose the songs, and teach you what they’ve learned. Listen to songs together and imitate rhythms by clapping, tapping, stomping or vocalising rhythmic patterns in songs. It’s a great way to show support for their musical interests. 

4. Create a Summer Playlist Project

Encourage your kids to create their own summer playlist. They can explore different genres, discover new artists, and learn about various musical styles. This project can include researching the history of the songs or artists they choose, which adds an educational aspect to the fun. They can share their summer playlist with their friends and listen to songs together as well as quiz each other as a fun way to memorise song titles and composers/artists.

5. DIY Instruments and Sound Experiments

Get creative with DIY instruments! Use household items to make simple instruments like drums from pots and pans, shakers from rice-filled containers, or string instruments from rubber bands and boxes. This activity combines music with arts and crafts, keeping kids entertained and innovative.

6. Attend Live Music Events

Check out local events and festivals that feature live music. Outdoor concerts and community events often have performances suitable for all ages. Exposing children to live music can be inspiring and motivational, showing them the excitement and energy of real performances.

7. Music-Themed Games and Apps

There are numerous music-themed games and apps designed to educate and entertain kids. These apps can teach musical notes, rhythm, and even composition in a playful manner. Look for apps that are age-appropriate and highly rated by other parents and educators.

8. Encourage Songwriting and Composition

Encourage your kids to write their own songs or compose music. You can download a simple music software program or a notebook to jot down lyrics and musical ideas. Suggest a type of scale which they can use in their composition, or use an existing song/composition to inspire them. This activity not only nurtures their creativity but also helps in understanding music theory and structure.

9. Explore Different Cultures Through Music

Summer is a great time to explore music from different cultures. Introduce your kids to world music, and learn about the instruments and styles unique to various regions. This can be an exciting way to broaden their musical horizons and appreciation for global diversity.


Keeping kids musically engaged during the summer holidays doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By incorporating a mix of structured activities and creative freedom, you can help your child continue their musical journey in a fun and enriching way. Whether through camps, online lessons, family activities, or exploring new musical territories, the summer can be a time of significant musical growth and enjoyment. So, strike up the band and let the summer symphony begin!

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